
Scan Update

Yesterday I had my scan, and it appears that nothing has changed. This could mean that the chemo has slowed the growth of the cancer; plus, the scan was done of a larger area which did not show any new cancer. For these things we thank God, and thank all of you for praying.

After my last update with the good news of no nausea and more energy, I had a new development which can sometimes happen with chemo. I got thrush in my mouth at first and then down my esophagus making it incredibly hard to swallow. Everyone is trying to get me to eat and drink so that I won’t get dehydrated and will regain some strength, but it has been almost impossible. Fortunately, I have been able to get some new medication for the thrush and it is beginning to clear up.

Please keep praying that God will give us wisdom for each step of this process. Our first visit with MD Anderson is on Feb. 10th.  Also, pray that I will keep trusting God with each new development that comes my way.

Thank you for your faithful prayers. We love all of you!

8 comments on “Scan Update

  1. Thanks for this update; know that many prayers continue for your healing and your family throughout this process.

  2. So sorry for the dry mouth and swallowing problems but glad to hear cancer not growing. Praying for you and Al

  3. Oh Nancy, continue to pray and believe God goes before you in each new step!Praying He continues to keep you in His peace and provision for your daily needs! He holds each and every moment of your days! Praying He surrounds you and reveal His desire for His own! Ps :121

  4. Nancy, seems that your news is mostly positive. I will continue to pray for your recovery. Getting treated at MD Anderson is great!

  5. Constantly lifting you up in prayer. God’s grace is with you and he will not leave your side. The road may be rough, but many prayer warriors are praying for healing in your body.

    Memories from the past – We had a baby shower at Aunt Evelyn’s and figured out if we each had a girl the name would be Allison. We figured that it was no big deal and our path rarely crossed. When they were 2-3 they were in the same dance classes. What a hoot!

    Love you Nancy!
    Lord, near our prayers…

  6. Nancy I’m praying for you daily throughout the day. A couple came in the shop last week and they didn’t know you but knew about you and are praying for you! God is good all the time! I’ll be praying for the thrush to go away quickly. I pray that God will give you His comfort, His peace, and His guidance throughout each day. Love

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Update from 3rd Chemo Treatment

Thank you, thank you, thank you for praying for me as I faced this latest chemo treatment on Monday! I have not had one drop of nausea and I even have felt a little more energy. This is BY FAR the best I have done yet. I know so many of you have been praying and the results have been amazing. 

Now I would ask that you please pray as tomorrow I have to go get an injection to increase my white blood cell count which is very low due to the chemo. You can also be praying for my upcoming CT scan on Monday morning. They will be scanning from my knees to the top of my neck to see how my pancreas and liver are responding to the chemo treatments as well as determining if it is affecting the surrounding areas. All of this will give us more information to make decisions going forward. Pray for God to give us wisdom each step of the way. What joy and comfort we are experiencing as a result of your love and prayers. May God bless you greatly for caring for us. 

23 comments on “Update from 3rd Chemo Treatment

  1. Thank you for this update, Nancy! So grateful it was easier this time. We all love and care about you deeply.

  2. So thankful that you haven’t been very sick. We are continuing to pray for all your requests. 🙏🥰🙏🥰🙏

  3. Dearest Nancy- your updates are so helpful!! Everyone loves you so very much!- and we are continuing to pray for you daily!!!

  4. Nancy, We are so thankful for such a great report!!
    What a mighty God we do serve and who hears our every word spoken to Him!

    Continuing to pray for the next several test to astonish the
    Medical team of how well you are doing!!

  5. So thankful that your treatment side effects are improving. My prayers continue for you each step along this path.

  6. Thrilled that you’ve been able to get through these last rounds so much better! Continuing to pray for divine healing❤️

  7. Continuing to pray for full and complete healing, and for more of these encouraging moments along the journey. HE is with YOU ❤️ I love you Nancy

  8. Nancy, I’m so glad your chemo was easier this time. Praise God for answered prayer! Praying for Him to direct your way forward.🙏❤️

  9. Praying for you everyday Nanny! Praying for your precious family as well, that you all would sense nothing but the love and peace and presence of Jesus!

  10. Nancy, glad to see good news – that you are tolerating the chemo better. I’ll continue to pray for you.

  11. Praying for you Nancy and so is our Thursday night Bible Study
    You are Beautiful Inside and Out
    Love Betty Gibson.

  12. I know God is working in and through you in mighty ways! …. Praying all of Psalm 20 for you, on this 20th day of January, which includes:
    “May the LORD answer you when you are in distress; may the name of the God of Jacob protect you. May He send you help from the sanctuary and grant you support from Zion. May He remember all your sacrifices and accept your burnt offerings. May He give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed. We will shout for joy when you are victorious and will lift up our banners in the name of our God. May the LORD grant all your requests…. Some trust in chariots and some in horses but we trust in the Name of the LORD our God….
    Love to you, precious Nancy ❤️

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A Quick Update

For all the prayer warriors, my chemotherapy on Dec. 30th was free of nausea thanks to all of your fervent prayers. There are plenty of other strange side effects to chemotherapy, but by far the worst in my mind, is nausea.

On Monday, Jan. 13th, I will be going back for my 3rd round of chemo. Pray that we will discover soon whether this chemo is working. It is certainly not something that I want to continue if it is not doing what we had hoped. We were also told that I will be getting a PET scan sometime this month. Pray that the cancer will be contained. I have good days and bad….please pray that my spirit would stay strong.

Ultimately, I do know that my Heavenly Father, Almighty God, is holding me in His arms and will take care of me to the end.

Love you all,


17 comments on “A Quick Update

  1. Amen! I know He is with you and has promised never to leave you! He is going ahead of you!
    Our Heavenly Father and His Son
    love you so much!!!!
    Our Family is praying!! Lynn

  2. Jane and I continue to pray for you, Al and the family- for healing, effective treatments, physical relief and your continued peace and comfort in the Lord.

  3. Prayers in abundance for you, Al and family. We are all with you!
    Philippians 4:13
    ❤️Kay and Ron Moore

  4. Nancy,
    I’ve been praying from the moment I heard about your ilness. God is good and this is a time to rely on His goodness and mercy. I will continue in prayer as will all your wonderful warriors! I pray that you you have many “good” days. and that you feel better every day!

    God bless you!

    Peggy Grote

  5. I don’t think it’s coincidental that I ran into you at the post office recently. It reminded me of all the wonderful memories we have with our children, Briarwood and Meadowbrook. Obviously, we were shocked to hear of your cancer but not surprised to see your reaction. God has given you such faith and strength. He has prepared you for this journey! None of us can imagine all the physical and emotional pain you are experiencing but we ALL know God is wrapping his arms around you and giving you exactly what you need. We love you, pray for you and send you our hugs. 💕

  6. Nancy, PTL; so thankful for answers to our prayers regarding nausea! Praying also for good results from your PET scan, cancer contained only in this one place, and that the treatments are effective!
    Love and prayers. 🙏🙏🙏

  7. I will be praying for good results with your PET scan. Prayers for good days. We know God is in everything and is with you. Hugs for you sweet Nancy. Sheila

  8. Sweet Nancy- Thank you for the update!!! We continue to pray for you each day!!! Love you so very much!!, Betsy

  9. Continually praying and believing God for His best for you and Al. Your love and trust for your God is honoring to Him and so evident at this time even more than it has been since I have known you. Love you much! Carolyn

  10. Thanks for this update, Sweet Nancy!
    Thanking God with you for the absence of nausea & praying for strength & stamina as you continue treatments!
    Love you!

  11. Praying for you in the night hours when I wake, I know that God has awakened me to pray for you! I thank Him for no nausea and pray for no bad symptoms! For Him to hedge you about in His love, His Comfort, His peace, and especially His healing. I pray for Al and thank God for him and for you. I pray for Him to give you trust in Him through out each and every day!
    Love Frances

  12. Nancy praying for you through the night hours tonight and throughout this coming day! May this chemo kill the cancer -reverse this disease. May you stand strong in the Strength of His might! May you be wrapped in His peace that passes all understanding!
    Love Frances

  13. Nancy, Ed and I are praying for you continuously. We are praying for a miraculous complete healing and that you would have peace and strength as you go through this journey .

  14. Nancy, Rick and I are praying for you daily. Asking God to be with you as you receive each of your chemo treatments. Proverbs 3:5-6

  15. I love you and praying always. I know you are bombarded with treatments, not feeling well, and friends and family checking on you. God has you and will bless you. Your faith is so strong…

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The Journey Continues

Good afternoon my dear friends,

Time for an update since Monday starts round 2 of chemo. To catch you up, the first week of chemo for me was like the lost week. Most of it was a blur, with much of it feeling surreal. The second week, praise the Lord, has been much better and I am learning what works and doesn’t work to help me. Of course, this can change on a dime too. I can begin a glass of water with it tasting fine, and half way through, it begins to get more and more bitter. They warned me that my hormones could get messed up which is quite a shock at 70 🙂 I feel like I am in my first trimester of pregnancy trying to figure out what I think sounds good to eat.

Al has been a jewel as he has become my primary nurse. He never complains and is ready to do whatever it takes to get me over the goal line. One could never have a more selfless teammate in the game. He reminds me of a linemen on the football team who sacrifices his body to give his running back a lane to run through. The only time his name is called is when he is penalized! I love those guys! They keep at it!

Christmas Eve and Christmas Day our family kept everything as normal as ever as we went between our daughter’s house and ours. I was not in tip top shape, but God gave me the strength to enjoy and savor every last second with all of them. Everyone got their picture made with me while I still have hair (I insisted :). I think we all hugged a little longer and lingered together in conversation as all that matters was in clear focus before us. It was a treasure. For this, I praise the sweetness of Jesus.

Today is Saturday, the 28th of December, and as I am writing this it is my birthday. I have always hated having a birthday at Christmas as it seems so anticlimatic. Who cares? Everyone pushes through and acts like they can’t wait to see me again. So we will gather here for lunch which I picked out…chicken pot pie and jello! What a combination! They are lucky we are not having dill pickles for cake! 

This birthday is especially notable….I turn 70. 70 is not 50 or 60. It is 70! It changes your perspective on so many things. For example, Al and I just built a new home 2 years ago, and I had to convince the roofer then that I was not interested in a 30 year guarantee. I said it would probably be 15 years at best before I moved into a senior living facility. Actually, it was somewhat freeing to realize that I was not so entangled with my earthly things.

This brings me to my point. As I begin  the next round of chemo, I realize everyone will have an opinion of what I should do, or think, or where I should go for more help, etc. Usually I am so flexible and yield easily to anyone’s good opinion. I have found through this experience that I do have a voice. The voice I believe God is leading me to follow….His (and of course Al’s). My heart is surrendered to allow God to help me embrace what He has for me in this next stage of life no matter what. One thing I know, I want to be near my family and loved ones as much as possible. I do not want to run around wearing myself out in order to get more years, only to realize I flittered away the ones I had left. As strength allows, I want to be there for my grandchildren’s programs and athletics. To that end, I want to diligently seek strength and energy for this.

Mental and spiritual strength also are necessary for this journey. They need to be equally nourished. Many of you have already been nourishing me as you have sent me the kindest words of love and hope. And I also know there are many of you who are “praying without ceasing” for me. You are my linemen; the unsung heros who make a way for me to run. Do not underestimate your value!!

The verse in Hebrews that God gave me before the journey began was in Hebrews 12:2 where I had been teaching the months before.  It says, “Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the suffering, despising the shame, etc.” . The final section of Hebrews 12:2 says, “For the joy that was set before Him.”

What was that? When Jesus quit looking at the pain and suffering that was going to come at the cross, He faced it by looking at what God was going to accomplish through His pain and suffering. What was that? He would be able to bring all of us, who by faith would accept His offer, into heaven to be with Him forever. What should my focus be ? To point others to that way he has made for us to spend eternity with him through his defeat of sin and death at the cross. The joy will be to celebrate him for all of eternity.

Clearly the hardest part of this journey for me is going to be the pain and suffering since I am wimp! So many of you have asked for specific prayer requests, so here are a few: that my bloodwork on Monday shows improvement, that the nausea eases so I can eat and stay hydrated, that the chemo starts working against the cancer and that God gives us wisdom for each step along the way.  Thank you for walking this road with me. Your prayers and love mean everything.   

 With gratitude,

35 comments on “The Journey Continues

  1. I’m so encouraged by this update! I know you are suffering, but it does my heart good to know that you were still able to celebrate Christmas with your children and grand children. Thank you for sharing this!

  2. Praying 🙏 with and for you! As you know I was a cheerleader but I am willing to be a lineman.

  3. Thank you for sharing, Nancy. I am bringing your requests before God and continuing to pray for you and for your family!

  4. Praying for you and so thankful for you! You’ve always been such an example of Gods faithfulness to me! I love you dearly!

  5. Praying for you and so thankful for you! You’ve always been such an example of Gods faithfulness to me! I love you dearly!

  6. Precious Nancy, Thank you for your gracious update. Our hearts ache for you, Al and the family but yet our hope is in the sustaining grace of our Lord that loves you so much. He will never fail. We will continue to pray as y’all are in our thoughts continually. We aim to be the best linemen for our All-American friend.

  7. Nancy, your perspective is inspiring and one that all of us should have as believers. In the end, all that matters is that God is glorified and that we spend eternity with Him. Praying for you and Al as you navigate this journey

  8. Nancy, Mike and I are so devastated about your diagnosis!!! I know we haven’t seen you since we left Briarwood to help start a Church in Hoover. However, we raised our children together as they went through Briarwood School!!! Please know that we are following your posts and will be praying!!! Mike is a true prayer warrior and he has you on his list as well as me. Stand strong and know that God has you in the palm of his hand!!! Much love, Mike and Mikelyn McDavid

  9. Nancy it’s an honor to read your words and how are you processing these events. It’s like I could hear your voice as I was reading. Thank you for being so real and sharing so authentically. and you made me smile too 🙂 Thinking of you. Sending love to you and Al and strength for the journey.

  10. Nancy, praying for you every step of this journey. May God surround you with his loving kindness to heal you and comfort you.

    With all my love,

  11. Nancy, May God be
    your strength this morning to encourage you knowing that His grace will be sufficient for you.
    “Be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. II Tim
    2:1. Ruth

  12. Nancy prayers for a better week with chemo. I’ve traveled your road now years ago. God brought me through with such peace and healing. I know He stands with you too. Continue to walk with Him and miracles do happen. We know it’s His will not ours.
    One simple thing my doctor told me is old fashion popsicles can be your friend when you can’t take anything else.
    My prayers will continue.
    Please send me your address.

  13. My dearest Nancy- your specific prayer requests are so helpful. Joining your many, many friends in prayer for total healing, peace, joy, and comfort throughout this journey. I love ❤️ you!!

  14. Thank you Nancy for your testimony to the sufficiency of Jesus. You have always been a servant of the Lord and faithful to his glory. It is a privilege to pray for you as you journey with Jesus to fulfill His purpose for your life.

  15. Nancy, what a gift for me to see you today at the oncology center. Your Christ -centered perspective, joy and humility were balm to my soul in walking my own journey. May Jesus continue to be glorified as you are his vessel of ministry as you graciously walk this difficult road He has set for you! Praying for you!

  16. Such beautiful and encouraging words, Nancy, giving God the glory in all things. You are His precious child whom He loves deeply. We continue to ask Him for your complete healing!❤️

  17. Nancy I pray for you daily. I was given these verses the morning before my mother went through some very difficult times
    “And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.” Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong.”
    ‭‭2 Corinthians‬ ‭12‬:‭9‬-‭10‬ ‭They held me up when both she and I were very weak. I pray for His strength to hold you as you go through this. Praying for nausea and for healing. Thank you for sharing. You are a blessing to me and I’m sure many others! Love, Frances

  18. I love you so much Nancy. Your words and strength are so inspiring to me. I am praying so hard that God takes this cancer away and you have many more years to spend with family and friends. You keep running and fighting cancer. We are are all here beside you. ❤️

  19. Precious Nancy!
    We are so thankful you had such a wonderful Christmas! We are praying for these specifics , there is an army of us. You are soo loved And adored!!

  20. Dearest Nancy,
    As always, you’re magnifying the Lord to all of us who’ve loved and admired you over many years. Our hearts hurt for you, your dear Al, and sweet kids and grands. Please know you’re often in our thoughts and prayers.

  21. Trust in the lord, with all your heart. Lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. Nancy, only God knows your path. Lean only on Him. Praying for your nausea and that God and the chemo is kicking the cancer. Praying for you this morning- always am and will be!

  22. Hey dear! I love these words. And your heart and your “realness”. Following along closely. When you feel like it can I come see you (and your house?). I’ll bring dill pickles. I love pickles! You are a treasure to me! ❤️. Praying Praying!!

  23. Nancy I am sending you prayers and more prayers as you go through this journey. Not sure if aunt Barbara told you or not but I went through breast cancer last year. It was caught very early and I was very fortunate I did not need chemo but I do know how scary that C word is..::: the lord has you and I know how strong your faith has always been and co to use to be…:know you have so many people here for you.::Lori Merritt weaver

  24. Dear Nancy, Thank you for sharing your victories as well as your struggles. We know how to pray and so many are listening and praying. We love you and are praying daily. Praise God from whom all blessings flow

  25. Every time we ride by your house – so daily and multiple times daily! – we always say a prayer for you and hold you and Al in our hearts. We would love to bring dinner if you will just let me know what might be something you can eat and when you want it!! PS: I agree with your decision above, that is what I would want if I were in your shoes. We love you! Gail & Ted

  26. I am so proud and amazed at your strong faith. You’re forever in my prayers. Love you sweet friend/sister

  27. Truly admire the faith and courage you are demonstrating as you travel this journey. Please know that we are praying for you and Al continually.

  28. Nancy we love you and the whole Koinania Community Group is praying diligently for you! We hope to see you at church soon when you feel well enough to come. Godspeed beautiful sister! 😇🙏🙌💕

  29. What a platform God has given you! I continue to be inspired by your faithfulness! Chuck and I continue to pray for you and AL.

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The Journey Begins

In June of this year, I had my annual check up with my primary care physician and all of my bloodwork came back normal. By October, I was beginning to have a slight pain in my stomach. I thought that maybe I needed a stronger anti-acid for reflux. My doctor had me do an ultrasound first and also drew blood for testing. The ultrasound revealed a spot in my pancreas which the doctor felt required further examination by a gastroenterologist. My blood work was anything but normal, which is highly unusual for me. My blood sugar was up, my sodium was low, my liver enzymes up, and my thyroid numbers skewed.

The gastroenterologist sent me for a high powered MRI MRCP that would show the entire area of my stomach. Right before Thanksgiving, the results came back which showed that everything was clear and the liver and pancreas were fine. I had dodged a bullet. However, my stomach was still hurting, especially after I ate. So we scheduled an endoscopy for later in December. Our Thanksgiving was wonderful with the family and we celebrated as usual. On December 6th, I had planned to go Christmas shopping with my daughter when I began to have intense pain down my right arm and shoulder, as well as on the right side of my abdominal area. I met my daughter at a free standing ER in the area to make sure I was not having a heart attack. I told her I was not going into a waiting room full of sick people because I didn’t want to catch anything 😂. Not a soul was there. They took me straight back and found that my heart was fine. I told them that my stomach and right side had been hurting as well so the doctor suggested we perform a CT scan. I argued that I knew my stomach was fine because I had already had an MRI and told everything was clear. He persisted that a CT scan looks differently at those things and might give us more information. Fortunately, my husband had arrived to be with me when the doctor came back with the results. The tests revealed an adenocarinoma mass in my pancreas. Not only that, but there also appeared to be multiple smaller lesions in my liver which looked to be the same thing. Frankly, I had a very hard time believing this could be true. How could two tests be so different? He continued explaining that he found my sodium levels to be extremely low and feared I might have a seizure if I did not go by ambulance straight to the hospital. That will leave your head spinning! So off we were to begin a journey we had never planned.

Meeting with the surgeon the following morning, our worst fears were confirmed. He agreed with the CT results and felt that we should quickly have an endoscopic procedure done to get a pathology report. He lined that up for the following Wednesday (Dec 11th), and once the procedure was performed, the diagnosis was confirmed. This has now been less than a week since I went to the ER. We met with with the oncologist the next morning and he recommended beginning chemotherapy the following Monday the 16th. The speed at which at this was unfolding was hard to comprehend. We jumped on board and lined up having surgery for the chemo portal placement on Monday morning with the therapy to begin that same day.

Up to this point, I had felt really fine. The intense pain even went away at the ER on that Friday we were there. I am convinced that God orchestrated it all to get me in for the correct diagnosis. I had such positive expectations for the chemo treatment. The weekend before it began was wonderful. We were able to have the grandchildren over to spend the night, make Christmas cookies, watch a Christmas movie, and enjoy a wonderful memory maker together. I thank God so much for that special weekend.

I highly underestimated the possible side effects of chemotherapy. By Monday evening, I was beginning to get sick. For the next 14 hours, I was far more sick than I have ever been in my life with no relief in sight. The next day, I was so weak from fluid loss that we were instructed to go in for an IV. On Wednesday afternoon (Dec 18th), the therapy was finished and I was able to get the tubes taken out. This did result in the symptoms slowly starting to subside over the following hours and days. On Friday, I had to get more fluids for strength because I had eaten nothing all week because of the nausea. Although I still don’t feel normal, I am starting to see some light at the end of the tunnel. All of this happened within 2 weeks of my initial ER visit which was mind boggling to me because I was still trying to come to grips with the diagnosis itself.

The plan is for another round of chemo treatment starting December 30th (which will continue every 2 weeks). Pray I don’t run away where they can’t find me by then! Who wants to sign up for a stomach virus every two weeks 😅.

Actually, we are told that the side effects from treatment should get better as I move through this process. Some people have no nausea from treatment, however, God had spoken to me through His word that this would not be an easy or short journey. He has already experienced all of the pain and suffering on earth at the cross. He understands completely my cry to the Father and He himself as my high priest lifts my name before Almighty God. This fills me with such comfort.

I will be trying to update this site with the help of others. That might be easier said than done. Please know, my friends, that with all my heart, I have never felt such comfort of my soul and spirit as I have felt from you as I begin this journey. It has been unspeakable joy for me as I watch the Body of Christ perform as our Lord Jesus meant it to function, each person using his or her gift of the Spirit. My prayer has been that God will be glorified through this. I know for me, “to live is Christ and to die is gain.” I am in a win/win situation. However, there are bonds on earth with the people we love which keep us clinging to our earthly existence. The love of my life, who I celebrated 50 wonderful years of marriage with in May, is a treasure that would be hard to release. But my dear husband has pointed me to the love of God more than any person on earth. My children are such a blessing in my heart and always have been. My grandchildren are the apple of my eye today and I yearn to see them grow up through each stage of life.

My loving Father knows all of this. He loves me beyond anything I could ever comprehend because He is love. He proved His love for me in that “while I was yet a sinner…(spitting in his face and at my worst,) Christ died for me,” the death I deserved. How can I doubt Him now?

38 comments on “The Journey Begins

    1. Reading December 27, Morning and Evening daily devotional I immediately thought of you, Nancy, as “they that attend Him out of love.” It reads, “he who follows Christ for His bag is a Judas; they who follow Christ for loaves and fishes are children of the devil; but they who attend Him out of love to Himself are His own beloved ones.” You are a shining light, one of His own beloved ones.

  1. My heart is heavy with this news but know that our amazing Lord is wrapping you in His loving arms. You are amazing and I love you. You are always on my mind and in my heart as we all come before the Lord asking for a miracle. Love you. ❤️🙏🏼

  2. Praying for you continually! For you to experience a deep, deep supernatural peace and strength for each moment of the battle. I love you, Nancy!

  3. Nancy, I just want you to know that Frank & I have been praying for you (and Al ) since we heard your news. We love you and will continue to hold you before the Lord for His will to be done. Love, Frances & Frank

  4. My precious, incredible, amazing, wonderful friend- dearest Nancy!! You are deeply loved and prayed for daily! Please continue to send updates! Everyone loves you and Al so very ❤️ very much!🌟❤️🌟

  5. Nancy, you and Al are in our hearts and minds. We will check this site and continue to lift you up as you direct. Even in these circumstances, you are an encouragement! Much love to you. May God’s peace surround your heart as you take each necessary step. ❤️

  6. Nancy – we are praying for you and your family. The Lord is so good. Praying specifically for:
    Physical healing
    Perfect peace
    Clear direction

  7. Love you Nancy! We are praying for healing, strength, and perfect peace. God is already being glorified in your journey:)

  8. Nancy,
    Thank you for your on-going testimony to the Faithfulness of our God and the truth of His Word & Promises!
    Love you dearly & covering you in prayer!

  9. Nancy I will be praying for peace within. I know the journey well, praying sickness subsides and the treatments get easier. Keep your strength up as much as possible. May God comfort and continue to walk with you carrying you when He needs to. God Bless you and prays willl be abundant!❤️🍾

  10. Nancy I am so sorry to hear about you. Our God’s grace is sufficient. I pray for His peace and His comfort and His healing That you feel His presence continually. I will be in constant prayer for you and for Al and your family.
    Love, Frances Stanford

  11. Dear Sweet Sister (in-law), Nancy! We’ve all known for years, we hit the jackpot when you entered our family! How beautifully you have proclaimed Him for so long to so many, loved as He loves, cared as He cares. And now, as you step onto your most challenging platform, we pray God uses your journey to glorify Him like never before. While we entrust you to Him, we cry out for complete healing so you can proclaim him more fiercely and love more deeply than ever before! We love you, Nancy!

  12. Dear Nancy and Al and family, I have visible reminders to pray for you every day. Your faith and desire to see God glorified are beautiful testimonies to his goodness and mercy which pursue you momently. We know he is for you , he hems you in, and no weapon formed against you shall stand. May he be your strength as he supplies every need in Christ Jesus. May his felt presence and living Word be your joy in the journey. You know where we are and are happy to do anything you need.

  13. Oh Nancy!!! So standing and praying as you and your family journey this path! Praying the lord continues to strengthen and reveals His faithfulness in all things. You are one of His strong soldiers ! Praying for you ,as you fight the good fight of faith! love you, friend!

  14. Nancy, Praying for God’s peace and strength to surround you and His healing hands to be upon you. God has used you as a testament of His Love and Glory and will do so in and through this very difficult time. Thank you for sharing your journey and allowing me to pray specifically for you and your family.

  15. Precious Nancy!!!! All I know is I love you so much and just like you are everybody’s favorite you are also one of my favorite ever people who has ALWAYS pointed me to Jesus!!!! We are fervently praying for you , Al , your children and all of your family!!!!!!! You are a hero to me!!!!! Libby and Jimmy.

  16. Precious Nancy!!!! All I know is I love you so much and just like you are everybody’s favorite you are also one of my favorite ever people who has ALWAYS pointed me to Jesus!!!! We are fervently praying for you , Al , your children and all of your family!!!!!!! You are a hero to me!!!!! Libby and Jimmy.

  17. Nancy- Alicia and I keeping you (and Al) wrapped in prayer as you go through this journey. We love ya’ll!

    Kirk and Alicia Cuevas

  18. Ohhhh, Nancy! I hate what Cancer tries to do to knock us down & out. But you, Girlfriend, keep looking up to find Christ’s strength & glory in the battle! I’m praying for Jesus to comfort you day & night; for good response to labs & meds with healing; for courage in you, Al,& family to walk held by Jesus’ hand & directed by Him in each day.
    May Grace & Mercy guard & keep you🎶✝️. Love, Sally

  19. Hey Nancy! Goodness I was so sad to hear the news of your health! But these words that you have so boldly written leave us all on our knees asking the Lord God Almighty for your healing! Thank you for sharing this journey ! Praying for you often! Leigh Anne Reese

  20. Sweet Nancy, our hearts are heavy as we read of this journey that you , Al, and your family have set before you, and we long for you to feel the comforting presence of our Lord and all of us that love you as you walk this road. You are not alone, and you have beautifully shared that confidence you have in that truth. We will continue to fervently pray for healing by God’s divine hand and through the means that He appoints here on earth. We love you, Karen and Todd Carlisle

  21. Precious Nancy, this is so hard to hear. But your strong faith is already bringing much glory to our amazing Father God, our Healer Jesus Christ. Reading Psalm 23 today, because today is December 23, our Shepherd assures you that he LEADS you (vs.2), He is WITH you (vs.4), and He FOLLOWS you (vs.6) ALL the days of your life. You have already shared how amazingly He has been leading you, and He will continue to do so.
    Much love, and continued prayers for you, Al, and family,

  22. Precious Nancy there has not been a time when I am with you that I don’t see Jesus shinning through you! You are such a blessing to me! As for this journey for you and Al and your family we surely will walk with you in prayer and lift you up daily! I love you dearly my friend! Joshua 1:9

  23. Dearest Nancy, since our days walking the halls of HHS to living down the Hall at Bama – you have been a shining star – showing us all what a beautiful Godly woman looks like. And now, even during this difficult journey, you are still shining and leading us to our Savior and Lord through your desire to only glorify Him. All of your friends and family are HERE for you, standing firm in the gap praying for God’s powerful healing hand over you, and strength and peace for AL and your entire precious family. I LOVE you dear friend (and don’t forget – tennis partner/tourney winner😂). Keep winning Champ🙏🏻❤️🙏🏻

  24. Nancy, Dottie & I were heart broken when we heard about this! Please know we love you! We are praying for you and Al. Love, Terry & Dottie

  25. As you so often remind me, “God is in control!”
    I’m so blessed to know you and be a witness to the light and joy that you spread everywhere! May the Lord strengthen you for each day that he holds. “As your day so shall your strength be.”Deut33:25

  26. Sweet Nancy and Al, Praying the Lord holds you in his arms and fights this battle for you, covering you with his love and surrounding you with angels. Lord, hold Nancy’s hand every step of the way, give her your mighty strength and grace abundant.

  27. Emily, CA, Austin and I love you Nancy!!! We are all praying for your healing!!! Austin and I pray together for you!!! We know our loving Lord is with you!!! “Now unto Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think according to the power that works in us “Eph 3:20

  28. Nancy, a longer note is being mailed to you but, in the meantime, I wanted you to know that Rodney and I are faithfully praying for you, Al, and your precious family. I echo much of what your friends have already said over the last few days. You truly are glorifying Him in sharing your heart and the truth of God’s Word. Especially praying for tomorrow as you begin another treatment.
    Denise Tubbs

  29. Nancy,
    My eyes are moist reading the words of deep love spoken over you by the many hearts you have touched.
    Be encouraged precious
    Woman of God.
    “He is in your midst, a warrior who gives victory; rejoicing over you with gladness”
    Zeph. 3:17

  30. Nancy, every time I pass your neighborhood (many times daily) I am lifting you and Al up in prayer. I am praying for you to be overwhelmed with God’s peace and comfort. He is carrying you through this difficulty. Do not lose hope in Him.
    We love y’all both!

  31. Nancy, as you rest in God’s loving arms may He give you
    His comfort and His peace for this “journey “ each new day.
    Love, Ruth

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