My dear friends,
I am sorry for getting this update out so slowly. The last two weeks were busy ones. On Monday the 27th, Al and I spoke with my oncologist about stopping the chemo until we go to MD Anderson and he was fine with that decision. We head out there on Monday the 10th to get testing and discuss their recommendations for treatment. I must say that with every week I’ve been off the chemo, I have felt more like myself both mentally and physically. The chemo I was on was strong and my body just had a lot of issues with it. It seemed I could never completely recover from one treatment until it was time for the next one to begin. The last few weeks have seen warmer temperatures and sunny days. Feeling better and being able to enjoy the outdoors makes me feel so renewed. You just can’t beat what God creates.
On January 30th, the doctor called and said my potassium levels were critically low, so they set me up for an IV the next day (4 hours). The Saturday after the treatment I did not feel well, but on Sunday morning I woke up much better. It was a beautiful day and I was able to go outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. This past week I have continued to feel better every day. So now I’m looking forward to the week ahead and our trip to MD Anderson. Amazing what a few good days of feeling well can do for you physically and mentally.
Please pray for wisdom from God on what to do. I am assuming there may be multiple options. Also please pray for physical strength and a sharper mind. Al and I will need to absorb what we hear and to process it. Finally, please pray for God’s perfect peace as we make the decision on which course of action to take and may He be glorified in whatever we do. I can’t say it enough, but thank you for the love, care, and many prayers lifted up to God for us (and the delicious meals 🙂
Psalm 32:8
Praying Nancy for all your requests. God bless you.
Praying for very clear direction.
Great update, Nancy! Good to hear that you’ve been feeling better and able to enjoy God’s beautiful creation! Will be praying for you & Al in the coming week as you get counsel and make decisions!
Love, love!
Jane and I will continue to pray for healing, clear guidance from God as you receive information, strength, patience and the ability for y’all to rest in God’s loving embrace.
Nancy, thank you for your uplifting report.I’m so glad you’re going to MD Anderson. It’s a wonderful place. I’ll continue praying for you!
Nancy, you live out your life authentically in everything you have taught me and especially in the midst of this trial. Thank the Lord you have had some good days in God’s magnificent creation. YOU are a magnificent creation of HIS, and I am praying you experience HIS supernatural grace, abundant mercy, and miraculous healing while at MDA. I also believe The Trinity has assigned your heart to hearts out there, for the Kingdom and for HIS Glory . Praying for “stones to stack” !
I love you
I just love you so much and I will pray for clarity with answers and a special week to process all the information coming your way. Big hugs!
Isaiah 41:110 So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand we are praying for peace, strength and wisdom. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for encouraging us by sharing about the good moments. I’ll be praying for wisdom at MD Anderson.
Oh how I love you Nancy!!!! Praying for clear direction and wisdom as you and Al make huge decisions this week!! Safe travels! Hope you know how deeply loved you are!!
Love you!!, Betsy
We are praying for Our Lord to guide your steps and give wisdom. Blessings on you and Al on this trip!
Austin and Lynn
Nancy, you are and will continue to be in my prayers. I am so thankful your feeling better and I pray the Drs at MD can give you good answers and that you and Al can make the right decision for you. Safe travels. Love you, Sheila
I am praying every day for total healing . In His name!
MD Anderson is an excellent place and I know you will have some wonderful treatment.
I have been praying for you all day (and listening to Sandi Patty …. “God is in control!”) May God give you and Al discerning wisdom and peace.
Make that Twila Paris!
Stay strong Nancy, you are in my daily thoughts and prayers.
Continuing to pray for you and Al and your care team!
Praying for you Nancy and Al!
Praying for you, precious friend!
Continue to pray for you ….sending good thoughts and hugs