Post MD Anderson

Post MD Anderson

My Dear Friends,

Al and I are back from MD Anderson. We had more tests and blood work and then we met with the doctor. My scans had not changed much nor had my bloodwork. I am so thankful the cancer had not spread. Unfortunately, even MD Anderson did not have a drug, even one in a trial phase, that was far enough along to treat my specific cancer. I never realized how many different types of cancers there can be within one specific organ such as the pancreas. So the news was not what we had hoped for, but let us remember that it is Almighty God who will determine my days.

There is a story about David and Bathsheba in 1 Samuel 12 that teaches me how to pray. David had had an affair with Bathsheba, Uriah’s wife, which resulted in a pregnancy. Nathan, the prophet, reminded David of his sin and David humbly repented in brokenness before God and God forgave him. However, the consequence would be that the baby would die. David prayed for days and did not eat or drink, but continuously cried out to God to let the baby live. His servants were even worried about his mental and physical state. After the baby died, David got up, washed himself and ate, and went to the temple to worship God. His men were amazed at how well he responded to the death of the child. What I see in David’s prayers and response is a complete yielding to God’s will, as well as an intimate understanding that God was so merciful that he might spare the baby. David knew the character of God was so good and I’m sure he had already experienced God’s mercy in his own life.

Please pray for me, knowing as David did, that God can heal me at any time He chooses. Until I am in His presence in Heaven, I shall pray for His divine healing and the strength to still do His will. Thank you, dear friends, for your faithful prayers for me.

“Nothing is impossible with God.” – Luke 1:37


18 comments on “Post MD Anderson

  1. Thank you for sharing your walk WITH God thru this trying time. You are being a great witness for Him and to others
    Praying for you and Al

  2. Nancy, Bruce and I have not ceased to pray for you since we first learned of your illness. Thank you so much for the way you are keeping everyone updated. We are grateful for you and Al, grateful for your love and faithfulness that honors God so beautifully. We know he delights in you, his precious daughter. This earth is a much better place with you in it and we pray that God will hear and grant our humble, fervent prayers for your healing! Sending much love from Bruce and Laura Spink

  3. Dear Nancy, Geoff and I continue to plead for healing for you. We know our Heavenly Father is a God of great mercy and power and that He is able! Thank you for blessing us with such a beautiful God honoring perspective on the present circumstances. We love you so much!

  4. Psalm 91

    1 Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High
    will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.[a]
    2 I will say of the Lord, “He is my refuge and my fortress,
    my God, in whom I trust.” We are praying. 🙏🙏🙏. Love the Cordell’s ❤️❤️❤️

  5. Nancy,
    Frank & I have continued to pray for you (and Al) ever since we heard about your diagnosis. Thank you for continuing to encourage and teach us from God’s word as you walk this hard, painful path. We love you!

  6. Is there a more Godly woman than one who points others to Jesus in the midst of her own hardship? Mrs. Nancy, you are an inspiration! My prayers for you continue. I am asking God to give you a complete miraculous healing!

  7. Dearest Nancy-
    Joining you and Al in prayer -as you make major decisions in the coming weeks concerning your treatment plan. Truly you are deeply loved!

  8. Nancy, you have always been a Rockstar in my book! Sending so many prayers and so much love to you Al and your sweet family. I fully believe God will heal you and Jesus will be exalted! Thank you for the Godly example you are to me and so many. Becky

  9. Prayed for you in the middle of the night- giving thanks for how Jesus has used you to encourage so many.
    May Our Lord continue to go ahead of you and
    prepare the way with many Blessings
    With much love,
    Lynn and Austin

  10. Ed and I continue to pray constantly for you for complete healing, and for peace for everyone in your family.

  11. Nancy, you are in our prayers daily and our prayer warriors at church continue to pray for God’s grace and mercy. We are so sorry that you are having to go through this. We are praying also for Al and all the family. A scripture that I have found comforting is Psalm 121. “I will lift mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth.” Our love to you and your family.
    Neil and Debra Talley.

  12. Raymond and I have been praying for your healing ❤️‍🩹
    Praying for your family. Please let us know if we can do anything for you!

  13. Nancy, I continue to pray for you and Al everyday. Your honoring of our loving God through this difficult time is a blessing to so many.
    Martha Burris 🙏🙏🙏

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